Full-time education



Lessons schedule

Testing of ATL (TESTS for KROK 2)

A syllabus of the discipline Pharmacy-based technology of drugs (full-time education)

Date/Time Group / discipline Name of the lecturer Link




(technology of pharmaceutical drugs)

assoc.prof. Buryak M.V. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8765767336?wd=L0dtZmRnYlpQb1VRNDE5WU9jMThhdz09

ID: 876 576 7336

Password: 083971

Industrial pharmaceutical practice in pharmaceutical technology

 (Pharmacy-based technology of drugs)

* passing the test of industrial practice takes place during the spring semestr

All students must complete a workbook

Workbook of production practice in pharmaceutical technology (Pharmacy-based technology of drugs)

  1. Calendar Plan of Lectures and Laboratory classes of the discipline “Pharmacy-based technology of drugs” for 3-rd year students of the specialty pharmacy for foreign students Phm18(5,0)*01-02 groups for the autumn semester of 2020-2021 ed. year

  2. Calendar Plan of Lectures and Laboratory classes of the discipline “Pharmacy-based technology of drugs” for 3-rd year students of the specialty pharmacy for foreign students Phm18(5,0) for the autumn semester of 2020-2021 ed. year
  3. Calendar Plan of Lectures of the discipline “Pharmacy-based technology of drugs” for 3-rd year students of the specialty Pharmacy for foreign students Phm18(5,0)01-11 groups for the spring semester of 2020-2021 ed.year
  4. Calendar Plan of Laboratory classes of the discipline “Pharmacy-based technology of drugs” for 3-rd year students of the specialty Pharmacy for foreign students Phm18(5,0)01-11 groups for the spring semester of 2020-2021 ed.year

  1. Course schedule of Lectures on Biopharmacy for the 2021 year for 5-th year student of the specialty 226 Pharmacy for foreign students Phm16(5,0) for the spring semester 0f 2021 ed.year
  2. Course schedule of Practical classes on Biopharmacy for the 2021 year for 5-th year student of the specialty 226 Pharmacy for foreign students Phm16(5,0) for the spring semester 0f 2021 ed.year

  1. Calendar plan of practical classes of the discipline “Methodology and logics of scientific research” for 2-nd year students of the specialty 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy Phm17(5,0)-01-08 for the spring semester of 2020-2021 ed.year
  2. Calendar plan of practical classes of the discipline “Methodology and logics of scientific research” for 2-nd year students of the specialty 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy Phm19(4,10)-01 for the spring semester of 2020-2021 ed.year

Lecture materials for independent work of students


2. Sterile medicines and medicines requiring aseptical conditions of preparation.

3. Medicines for parenteral application.

4. Ophthalmic medicines. Medicinal form with antibiotic.

5. Difficult cases and INCOMPATIBLE formulas in prescriptions.

  1. Technology of mixtures by dissolving dry medicinal substances and using concentrated solutions.

  2. Special cases of aqueous solutions preparation.

  3. Dilution of the standard pharmacopoeia liquids

  4. Technology of drops.

  5. Solutions for injections.

  6. Solutions for injections requiring stabilization.

  7. Technology of ophthalmic medicines.

  8. Isotonic solution for injections. Solutions for injections of thermolable substances. Suspensions for injections.

  9. Difficult cases of preparing medicinal forms at the chemist’s.

  10. Pharmaceutical incompatibilities.


Useful information sources

*Schedule of missed classes reworking at the department of drugs technology

*Drugs Technology department daily consultations

  1. Krok 2 TESTS for pharmacy-based technology of drugs (ATL)  2018  general base
  2. Workbook for preparation to the licensed examination “CROCK-2” on pharmacy-based technology of drugs: for English students of “Pharmacy” specialty
  3. REFERENCE MATERIALS for preparation to the licensed examination “CROCK-2” on Chemist’s Technology of Drugs
  4. Guidelines for the implementation of the master’s thesis from the pharmacy-based technology of drugs
  5. Prescription form
  6. Written control passport form
  7. Lectures of Chemist`s technology of drugs
  8. Video tutorials