Welcome to the Department of Drug Technology!

In the hands of ignorant drugs – poison and its action can be compared with a knife, fire or light. In the hands of people who know it is like a drink of immortality.
“Ayurveda” is an ancient Indian book

The Department of Drug Technology was established in 2004 by the order of the Rector № 125k dated April 7, 2004. Continuing and developing the heritage of famous scientists-technologists (S.F. Shubin, G.P. Pivnenko, I.M. Pertseva, R.K. Chagovets, O.I. Tikhonov, etc.) at the department the team of scientists works creatively and fruitfully who train specialists for the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine.




At the Department of Drug Technology disciplines are taught:

  • Pharmacy-based technology of drugs
  • Technology of medicines (Pharmacy technology of medicines)
  • Technology of pharmaceutical drugs
  • Biopharmacy
  • Special purpose drugs
  • Methodology and logic of scientific research
  • Methodology and methods of scientific analysis
  • Modeling of scientific research
  • Modern pharmaceutical development

The main directions of scientific research:

  • Development of composition, technologies and biopharmaceutical research of medicines based on natural and synthetic raw materials (№ state registration 0114U000945).
  • Development and improvement of extemporaneous drugs (№ state registration 0114U000947).

In order to summarize the experience of scientific work at the department developed:

  1. Proposals to the order № 812 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Rules for the manufacture and quality control of medicines in pharmacies”.
  2. General pharmacopoeial articles 5.N.1 “Extemporaneous drugs” (SPhU 1.2, 2008), “Extemporaneous powders” (SPhU 1.4, 2011), “Non-sterile drugs manufactured in pharmacies”, “Soft drugs” , made in pharmacies “,” Powders made in pharmacies “,” Suppositories and pessaries made in pharmacies “(SPhU 2.0, Volume 3, 2014).
  3. Guidelines ST-N MOH 42-4.6: 2015 “Requirements for the manufacture of non-sterile drugs in pharmacies” and ST-N MOH 42-4.6: 2015 “Requirements for the manufacture of sterile and aseptic drugs in pharmacies” (order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 398 from July 1, 2015).
  4. Methodical recommendations “Extemporaneous formulation (technology, analysis, application)” (order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 398 of July 1, 2015).

    Today’s achievements are a joint merit of our team, all those who work today and worked for us. 



The staff of the department, 2018

address: 61168, Kharkiv, street Valentinovskaya, 4

phone: (0572) 68-15-30, 67-91-84

E-mail: tl@nuph.edu.ua