The 3rd of November, 2020, as part of the educational work, a discussion was held on preventing the spread of COVID19.

3 листопада 2020 року в рамках виховної роботи проведена бесіда щодо запобігання поширенню COVID19.

November 3, 2020 prof. Rukhmakova O.A. an interview was conducted with English-speaking applicants for higher education group Phm18 (5.0) -03, respectively, on the rules of conduct during epidemics.

The 3rd of November, 2020, as part of the educational work, a discussion was held on preventing the spread of COVID19. The 3rd of November, 2020, as part of the educational work, a discussion was held on preventing the spread of COVID19. The 3rd of November, 2020, as part of the educational work, a discussion was held on preventing the spread of COVID19. The 3rd of November, 2020, as part of the educational work, a discussion was held on preventing the spread of COVID19.

This applied to SARS epidemics, including the coronavirus, which causes COVID-19. Particular attention was paid to how a pharmacist should behave as a specialist working on the “advanced”